May 4, 2012

snippits of the week

Although we had lovely sunny days early on, most of the week has been rainy and grey and today there are supposed to be thunderstorms. Ahh spring.
It gives us a good excuse to wear our shiny red rainboots though.
Before the rain came, however, we were able to get in some good, outdoor play time, It's funny how the rings at Hudson Beach never fail to entertain my kids, even though they quickly tire of actually going on the rings. It's still their favorite place in Riverside Park. And will be mine again soon when the cafe/wine bar open up again.

Spotted, for Nana. from Briton

Farmer's Market goat cheese and honey on bread. I forgot how yummy it is. And how it never fails to give me a stomach ache, darn those soft cheeses. Not that it means I'll stop eating it. 

While he loved the trains, LOVED the trains, the highlight of our trip to the Transit Museum was actually this little lady. Sadie the Cat has lived at the museum since she was a kitten, roaming the cars and displays.  We found her chilling in a subway car at the end of the tracks. Just hanging out.

You just never know what you're going to see in this town, I tell ya.