June 24, 2011

snippets from the week

She woke up at least an hour earlier than everyone else, but somehow must have guessed that after a very late night for dad and a nightmare that stole the wee hours from mom and boy, we needed to sleep in. I found her in her room with piles of books around her. She had fed the dog, made herself a snack and was hell bent on reading every book she owns. I guess this is what being five means. I made her french toast as a mid week treat for being such a grown up girl.
We took the sky tram over the East River to Roosevelt Island. Evelyn was scared but her big brother stuck by her and made it all better.
There was a field, steps from the tram, with a breathtaking view of the Queensboro Bridge, worth the white knuckle ride. Especially since we had a kite tucked in our bag.
Which made for a perfect, perfect afternoon

I love the twice a week farmer's market just around the corner. Not only do they have things I've heard of but never been able to buy before (fava beans! garlic scapes!) they have many, many things that I'd never even heard of. I'm currently working my way through the different salad greens. This week we had Lambs Quarter and Mitziko. Both very yummy!

A special trip, just Briton and Will (and some friends!) Taking the Staten Island Ferry to see a ball game. I'm not sure what they like better, the game or the boat ride and the view.
I made her a super princess cape. Because little girls with hot pink Converse shoes should have super princess capes with a hot pink unicorn on the back. We passed a group of rowdy frat boys whistling at passing girls and when they saw her they all stopped to watch her run by, cape billowing. "Oh look! She has a cape! That's so cute!" If she melts even 20 year old boy hearts, what chance does mine have?

Fava Beans! Cooked using this recipe. Yum! Even Evelyn (almost) liked it!

Ahem. Two hours spend sorting Legos by size. Not his mother's son at all ;)

And also, looking through this weeks photos, I just realized that Briton wore the same shirt five out of seven days this week. Boys....